Golden Horagram #24
#24 of
The Wilson Scale Tree
2/5—7/18, levels 2 & 5 |
(7 +2)÷(18 +5)
= 0.390516909
= generator angle 140.58608725°
= generator interval 468.62 cents
Ring | L size (cents) |
s size (cents) | Ratio | Step size Order |
5 | 262.76 |
205.86 | 1+(1/(2+ )) | sLsLL |
8 | 205.86 |
56.90 | 2+ | LLsLLsLs |
13 | 148.96 |
56.90 | 1+ | LsLssLsLssLss |
Notes: One of only two horagrams to which Wilson and I assign the same number. The other one is #28.
Consonant Ratio Approximated | · | Ring 5 | · | Ring 8 |
9:8 | +2c @ 206c [16:9] | | 2 | | 5 |
12:7 | +3c @ 937c = 2 generators [7:6] | | 3 | | 6 |
5:3 | -4c @ 880c [6:5] | | 0 | | 1 |
11:7 | +6c @ 788c [14:11] | | 0 | | 2 |
Mature rings: 3, 5, 8; 23 on out