Golden Horagram #07
#14 of
The Wilson Scale Tree
1/3—2/7, levels 1 and 3 |
(2 +1)÷(7 +3)
= 0.295685999
= generator angle 106.4469596°
= generator interval 354.82 cents
Ring | L size (cents) |
s size (cents) | Ratio | Step size Order |
7 | 219.29 |
135.53 |  | LsLsLss |
10 | 135.53 |
83.76 |  | sLLsLLsLLL |
17 | 83.76 |
51.77 |  | ssLsLssLsLssLsLsL |
Notes: The generator closely approximates 11:9 while its inversion more closely approximates 13:8. Lots of neutral tones. Most interlaced of the 7-tone golden scales.
Consonant Ratio Approximated | · | Ring 7 |
12:7 | -4c @ 929c [7:6] | | 1 | |
13:8 | +5c @ 845c [16:13] | | 6 | |
11:9 | +7c @ 355c = generator [18:11] | | 6 | |
Mature rings: 4, 10 on out