Golden Horagram #4
#27 of
The Wilson Scale Tree
1/2—2/5, levels 0 and 2 |
(2 +1)÷(5 +2)
= 0.419821271
= generator angle 151.1356578°
= generator interval 503.79 cents
Ring | L size (cents) |
s size (cents) | Ratio | Step size Order |
5 | 311.36 |
192.43 |  | LsLss |
7 | 192.43 |
118.93 |  | sLLsLLL |
12 | 118.93 |
73.50 |  | LLsLsLLsLsLs |
Notes: Kornerup's Golden Meantone, very close to quarter-comma.
Consonant Ratio Approximated | · | Ring 5 | · | Ring 7 |
5:4 | -2c @ 385c [8:5] | | 1 | | 3 |
6:5 | -4c @ 311c [5:3] | | 2 | | 4 |
10:7 | +5c @ 623c [7:5] | | 0 | | 1 |
4:3 | +6c @ 504c = generator [3:2] | | 4 | | 6 |
Mature rings: 3, 7 on out