Golden Horagram #02
#11 of
The Wilson Scale Tree
0/1—1/3, levels 0 and 1 |
(1 +0)÷(3 +1)
= 0.276393202
= generator angle 99.50155272°
= generator interval 331.67 cents
Ring | L size (cents) |
s size (cents) | Ratio | Step size Order |
7 | 204.98 |
126.69 |  | sLsLsLL |
11 | 126.69 |
78.30 |  | LLsLLsLLsLs |
18 | 78.30 |
48.39 |  | sLsLLsLsLLsLsLLsLL |
Notes: Converges on Gold extremely early, at ring 3. The scale on ring 7 is deeply Golden, yet closely approximates no simple consonances.
Consonant Ratio Approximated | · | Ring 7 |
9:8 | +1c @ 205c [16:9] | | 4 |
13:7 | +2c @ 1073c [14:13] | | 3 |
Mature rings: 4 on out