Golden Horagram #Number by closeness of the convergent pairs to the root of the tree
#Wilson's number of
The Wilson Scale Tree
Convergent pair of ET generators, and their levels of the scale tree
Formula for finding generator
= Generator Quotient
= generator angle Generator Angle°
= generator interval Generator Interval in cents
Table of scale properties
Ring | L size (cents) |
s size (cents) | Ratio | Step size Order |
5 | 259.85 |
160.60 |  | LLLLs |
9 | 160.60 |
99.25 |  | sLsLsLsLL |
14 | 99.25 |
61.34 |  | LLsLLsLLsLLsLs |
23 | 61.34 |
37.91 |  | sLsLLsLsLLsLsLLsLsLLsLL |
Notes: Converges on gold very early, at ring 4.
Table of consonant ratios approximated · how many instances of each in each scale
Consonant Ratio Approximated | · | Ring 5 | · | Ring 9 |
13:8 | +0c @ 841c [16:13] | | 0 | | 3 |
10:7 | +1c @ 619c [7:5] | | 0 | | 2 |
11:7 | -3c @ 780c = 3 generations [14:11] | | 2 | | 6 |
5:3 | -6c @ 879c [6:5] | | 0 | | 1 |
7:6 | -7c @ 260c = generator [12:7] | | 4 | | 8 |
Mature rings: which rings of this horagram are mature
Route of generator up scale tree—gold dot shows point of convergence
