Romans 8:3-4
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Hodge: Up to this point, Paul has proven that the Law is incapable of:
The overall point of chapter 8 is the security of the believer, in the broadest sense. Why is the believer safe in Christ:
The variable uses of the word law in Romans.
Language is malleable:
Paul uses the word law 77 times in Romans (KJV) (77 factors to 7—perfection, and 11—death or mourning) [(74) novmo" nomos "law", (2) ajnovmo" anomos "without law", (1) nomoqesiva nomothesia "giving of the law"] to mean such things as:
The Law Fulfilled In Us By The Spirit
The requirements of the Law did not go away when Christ died, nor do they go away for us when we believe. Matt 5:17-20 The moral law is not abrogated for believers, but rather fulfilled in us by the power of the Spirit.
What could the law not do? Free us from the law of sin and death. It could not:
Why not? The flesh is too weak for the law. The law is not weak, but the flesh is an inadequate instrument. The law in itself is holy, just, and good. It does exactly what it's designed to do: demand our conformity to God's character. It was never designed to justify nor to sanctify, but to reveal our weakness.
Who was sent to remedy this problem? God's own Son. He gave that which was most precious to Him: His own Son, whom He loves. cf. Abraham & Isaac.
In what form was the Son sent? In the likeness of sinful flesh. Not in sinful flesh (cf. Heb. 4:5, 7:26). If his flesh were sinful, he could not have been the spotless Lamb of God. "Christ took our dilapidated nature, subject to the infirmities which sin had brought into it." - Hodge "When the Father sent the Son into this world of sin, of misery, and of death, he sent him in a manner that brought him into the closest relation to sinful humanity that is was possible for him to come without becoming himself sinful." - John Murray
Why, specifically, was the Son sent? To deal with sin:
What did He accomplish? The condemnation of sin:
What instrument did He use to do it? The flesh. This happened in Christ's fleshly, that is human, nature. The same instrument which was too flimsy to be used by the Law to free us from sin and death was used by God to do it. Isaiah 53
What was the purpose of His accomplishment? To fulfill the Law in us:
So, how is the Law fulfilled? By grace! Romans 3:31; 6:14-15
In whom is this purpose achieved? Those who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. To walk means to regulate the inward and outward life; it refers to the controlling principle of one's life.
He breaks the power of cancelled sin
He sets the prisoner free
His blood can make the foulest clean
His blood availed for me
- Charles Wesley, "O for a Thousand Tongues"