Photo of John Henry & Fannie Mae (McCRAE) FINNAMORE family
John Henry & Fannie (McCRAE) FINNAMORE family, very early 20th century, probably about 1904. The children must be Bea and Percy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles FINNAMORE & Elizabeth WHITE // Samuel M. MCRAE & ? | | Isaac FINNAMORE & Susan Emma WHITE // John MCCRAE & Susan BROWN |_________ ______| | | John Henry FINNAMORE & Fannie MCCRAE | Percy and Beatrice --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack FINNAMORE of Minneapolis, Minnesota kindly sent me this photo with permission to display it here. David J. Finnamore Orlando, FL, USA This page is designed to open as a separate window from the page summary.htm, which is part of David J. FINNAMORE's Genealogy Site |